Wednesday, February 3, 2016

I'm Retiring

A few days ago, I sent my letter of retirement to my superintendent. I have been teaching in the Webster Groves School District for 24 years (since 1992) and in Missouri public schools for 28 years (since 1988). I have loved every minute of my time working in this district. I have found Webster Groves to be a district that pushes its teachers to be the best they can be, gives teachers the autonomy to develop and puts what's best for kids as its most important guiding principle. I recognize how lucky I have been to spend the bulk of my career with some of the most creative, professional and intelligent educators in the nation. 

Every year we get a new group of kids who come to us nervous and timid. Over the course of the year, as they learn that we value their uniquenesses and quirks, they get comfortable in the environment and grow as students and as people. They feel safe enough to be themselves and learn in the way that they learn best. Those nervous, timid kids that we had at the beginning of the school year leave us as confident, assured kids who have problem-solved, invented, created and learned. 

Am I ready to retire? NO! I still have a LOT of gas left in the tank. Why am I retiring? Well, I'm eligible and I hate winters. I have been planning a move to southwest Florida for the past ten years. I knew it would either be this year or next. Since I am eligible to retire from Missouri now, I plan to take my work to southwest Florida and continue teaching there. I believe that, at this point in my career, I am peaking. There are so many new adventures ahead of me and I would like to share the joy of learning with more students. Collier County Schools? Lee County Schools? I don't know right now, but over the next few months, that part of the equation will work itself out. For now, I am enjoying my last semester as a teacher in the Webster Groves School District preparing these kids for the future.

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