East Naples Middle School
I didn't know what to expect at East Naples Middle School. After all, I was in my previous position for a long time and pretty much knew everything about the school and district that I needed. Webster Groves is a small district of about 4200 students. Here in Collier County, FL, the district has about 45,000 students. It is a big change to say the least. The teachers and administrators at ENMS were amazing. They work hard at building a team and welcoming everyone to the school. From the first day, I felt valued. That does not always happen. I know, through talking to other teachers, that often teachers feel marginalized from Day 1. Not at ENMS. Here the administration and other teachers want to help everyone develop into the best teacher they can possibly be.
Over the course of the first quarter, I have learned many of the ins and outs of the school program. I am no expert but I feel comfortable. There are many similarities between ENMS and Hixson. In both places, the kids are great, the class size is similar, the other teachers are amazing and there is enough autonomy for teachers that we can incorporate our own passions into the classroom. There are some differences too. ENMS is a Title 1 school and so access to the Internet and devices is spotty for the kids, our English classes are double blocks (3 classes for 90 minutes each), and we have a robust PBS program at ENMS. All in all, I feel lucky to have moved from one great school to another. I love what I do and love where I do it.
One of the things that keeps me passionate about teaching is beginning new projects for the kiddos. Right off the bat, I made sure that I could continue doing Genius Hour with the kids. Yep, sure can! We also continued our Teen Lit Review and our TLR Radio Podcast. Both are feathers in the cap of any school from which they originate. They showcase student learning for the world. On deck is a Digital Literary Magazine that we will launch this month. Who knows what other special projects we will come up with as the year goes on. That's what makes this job so cool. I love coming up with new projects that will enhance and showcase student learning. That's what gets me jazzed up about coming to work in the morning. What is new? What is out there on the horizon? What can we create? This is my passion. I love being in a place where I have the autonomy to pursue these endeavors and make them reality.
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